How does proper grooming impact the health and well-being of my cat?

Proper grooming lets you recognize any symptoms and signs that your cat might be hiding through a thick coat of hair. It also helps prevent issues before they require veterinary care.

Meagan Darby
Hebron Animal Hospital

What are some signs and symptoms that your cat is no longer grooming themselves properly?

Signs include matting of the hair, a greasy texture when you pet them, and a foul odor, especially from their back end or paws. You might also hear their nails clacking against hard floors when they walk.

Why is it important to consult a veterinarian if my cat is having grooming problems?

If your cat suddenly has grooming problems, there could be underlying health issues. Excessive weight or mild arthritis can impede their ability to groom themselves properly, and a vet can help identify and address these problems.

What are the benefits of professional grooming for my cat?

Professional grooming offers trained and patient care, including shaving, baths, and nail trimming, which you might not feel comfortable doing. This keeps your cat healthier and your home cleaner.

Are cats hygienic?

Cats are generally very hygienic and often go their entire lives without needing a bath. However, changes in their environment can sometimes affect their grooming habits.

Should I bathe my cat?

You should bathe your cat if they become excessively smelly or greasy, or if they get materials on them that they shouldn't ingest, such as paint or cleaning products.

Is it safe to groom my cat?

It is safe to groom your cat, but be very careful, especially with clipper blades, as their skin is very thin and easy to cut. If your cat resists grooming, consult a professional.

How does a cat groom themselves?

Cats groom themselves by licking, using the barbs on their tongue to keep their hair in order, much like a brush.

If you have any other questions, please give us a call at (859) 689-4700. You can also email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram