As the kiddos head back to their classrooms, it’s time for our furry friends to join in on the fun!  We’re celebrating the start of a new school year with our own four-legged scholars. From stylish bowties to those adorable ‘I’m-ready-for-class’ looks, our pups are all geared up to tackle their new lessons with a wag and a woof.

Whether it’s perfecting the art of the ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ or learning some new tricks, our canine companions are here to show us that learning can be just as fun for them as it is for us. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want a little extra cuteness in the classroom?

Our fluffy students are all set to hit the books, but they’re also ready for some well-deserved playtime after class. With tails wagging and smiles wide, they’re proving that back-to-school season is not just for the two-legged crowd. 

So here’s to a new school year filled with fresh beginnings, fun new skills, and plenty of belly rubs in between. Cheers to our top dogs, making the grade in both charm and obedience!

Be sure to hover over the photo to check out these cute pups!

PetFest 2024