We are proud to announce that our Practice Manager, Amanda, has studied very hard and has earned the designation of Certified Veterinary Practice Manager!

Amanda, CVPM

How long did it take you to earn your CVPM Certification?

“It took me 4 years because it takes 3 years to complete the pre-requisites before sitting down for the actual test.”

Would you recommend the VHMA program to others?

“I would 100% recommend the VHMA program and to become a member. The community is extremely supportive and knowledgeable. I would have not passed or been shown the right path without that community.”

What subject did you enjoy the most?

“Marketing was my favorite because I love how it changes and the tools that are involved. I love Instagram!”

What subject did you enjoy the least?

“Laws and Ethics was my least favorite because it is very different from state to state and nationally.”

What advice would you give to others planning to earn their CVPM Certification?

“My advice would be to network as much as you can, with vendors, VHMA community, and other PM’s. You need to find buddies that will help you and socialize with, because management can be rewarding but also has its challenges.”

Amanda’s Journey:

I am from southeast Indiana, and I live with my husband and 5 dogs and multiple barn cats. I went to school originally to pursue healthcare in the human world, and while working on my master’s degree I got a part time job as a kennel assistant. I soon realized I wanted to stay in the animal world as I worked my way up to veterinary assistant, receptionist, then office manager. While working my way up, I learned about VHMA and becoming a CVPM and I was determined that’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to be involved in the VHMA community to better myself for my hospital and for my staff, that way I can learn all aspects from the business side as well as being directly on the floor. I have a special interest in inventory, marketing, development, and communications.